Health Forms 2024-2025
The Hancock Count Health Department will be providing physicals to students on the following dates/times/locations:
Friday, May 2nd, 2025 and Tuesday, June 3rd, 2025 at Oak Glen High School 1pm-4pm
Tuesday May 13 4pm-7pm
Tuesday June 17 3pm-6pm
$30.00 CASH ONLY
*Call the Health Department at 304-564-3343 to schedule your appointment*
**School Nurses have the consent forms and physical forms**
***Schoon Nurses are NOT taking appointments***
8 Stop the Bleed kits were received and strategically placed inside OGHS in the event of an emergency. Please see the email that was sent to teachers for specific locations and directions for use.
42 Juniors have completed the required MCV4 vaccine for advancement to their senior year.
73 are still needed to receive their senior schedule and start classes in August.
IF any student needs assistance getting the vaccine, please see Nurse Book.
Dental and Physical forms are in the nurse's office for all students. Sport physical forms are also in the main office. Those students that are playing fall sports will need to wait until after May 1, 2025, to get physicals. Dental forms can be turned in at any time. You can give the nurse a copy of the sport physical as well to count for your junior/senior physical.
Nurse Book is working with the Hancock County Health Department to have them come to OGHS to do sport physicals in May for any student &/or athlete interested in having a sports physical. Dates and times to be announced.
All Junior and/or early graduating students can begin submitting their MVC4 (meningitis vaccine) to the nurse. This is a state requirement prior to graduation.
Over-the-Counter Medication Letter
Attention Parents/Guardians of students:
If your child may need an over-the-counter medication (examples: Benadryl, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Pepto, TUMS, Orajel/Anbesol, Neosporin, burn cream, Benadryl cream, and/or Midol/Pamprin) during the 2024-2025 school year, please obtain an Administration of Medication form for each medication from the school. A new form must be completed by a physician for each medication that you would like to be administered. Please return the completed and signed form to the school nurse along with an unopened/sealed container of medication.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this letter, please contact the school nurse at your child’s school.
Health Information
Message from Nurse Book: (5/31/24)
JUNIORS: All Juniors need to have TDAP, MCV4, Physicals, and Dental examinations/updates to the school nurse before the start of school in August 2024. Over half of the junior class has completed the required vaccine and physicals. BIG Thank you to those students who have already completed the Vaccine and Health requirements needed before the start of school.
Hancock County Health Department will be at Oak Glen High School in the Nurse's Office on Thursday, June 6 from 1 pm to 4 pm for those who have already signed up with the nurse. They can give the required incoming Senior vaccines for a $30.00 fee if you need them. Please remember to bring your fees for both the physical ($30.00) and vaccine(s), as well as the signed consents needed. The consent has to be COMPLETED by parents.
The Hancock County Health Department has added another day for sports physicals & vaccines at their location on Monday, June 24. Please contact the Health Department at 304-564-3343 to schedule an appointment time. OGHS & OGMS nurses have the sport physical forms and vaccine consent forms if you would like to pick them up before the last day of school.
Please remember the Nurse has vision vouchers through VSP Vision Care for FREE Eye Exams and frames up to $150.00 value.
Thank You to all those current Juniors/Incoming Seniors who have completed the needed physical and vaccine requirements for the start of senior year.
Hancock County Health Department will be at Oak Glen High School in the Nurse's Office on Thursday, June 6 from 1 pm to 4 pm for those who have already signed up with the nurse. They are able to give the required incoming Senior vaccines for a $30.00 fee if you need them. Please remember to bring your fees for both the physical ($30.00) and vaccine(s), as well as the signed consents needed. The consent has to be COMPLETED by parents.
The Hancock County Health Department has added another day for sports physicals & vaccines at their location on Monday, June 24. Please contact the Health Department at 304-564-3343 to schedule an appointment time. OGHS & OGMS nurses have the sport physical forms and vaccine consent forms if you would like to pick them up before the last day of school.
Please remember the Nurse has vision vouchers through VSP Vision Care for FREE Eye Exams and frame up to $150.00 value.
JUNIORS: Please work on getting your physicals, dental exams, and vaccine records to the Nurse to make sure you get your Senior year schedule in August without any delays. HUGE Thank You to all those Juniors that have already completed all the health requirements.
Reminder: All Junior students planning to graduate early in May, NEED to have MCV4 Vaccine to the nurse by May 1 per WVDHHR & WVDE policies. All Juniors need to have TDAP, MCV4, Physicals, and Dental examinations/updates to school nurse before start of school in August 2024. BIG Thank you to those students who have already completed the Vaccine and Health requirements needed before graduation.
Attention Students, Staff, and Parents of students:
Just wanted to let you know that Oak Glen High School has just received 10 vision care gift certificates/vouchers for FREE Vision Care that include frames, lenses, and exams for any student and family that fall below the 200% US Government Poverty Level. This service is also available to students' immediate family members as well (mom, dad, grandparent, sibling, &/or guardian). Please call the school nurse with any further questions, concerns, and to see if your student is eligible for this free service.
Thanks in advance.
Carolyn A. Book, RN, BSN
Hancock County School Nurse
Oak Glen High School
Phone: 304-387-2063, ext. 3707
Reminder: All Junior students planning to graduate early in May NEED to have the MCV4 Vaccine to the nurse by May 1 per WVDHHR & WVDE policies. All Juniors need to have TDAP, MCV4, Physicals, and Dental examinations/updates to the school nurse before the start of school in August 2024. BIG Thank you to those students who have already completed the Vaccine and Health requirements needed before graduation.
Requirements to Enter 12th Grade
Before starting 12th grade, all students will need to provide proof that they have had the following two immunizations plus two examinations.
#1. A booster dose (after the age of 7 years) of TDaP, which protects against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough). Your student should gave received this shot in 7th grade.
#2. The second dose of the meningococcal vaccine (MCV4). This is a two-dose series; your child should have received the first dose before their 7th grade year and now needs to complete the series.
#3. Physical Assessment also called Health Examination. This exam must be dated no earlier than one year prior to the first day of the 12th grade.
#4. Dental Examination. This exam must be by a licensed dentist and dated no earlier than one year prior to the first day of 12th grade.
If you fail to get your student properly immunized or examined by a physician and a dentist the state of West Virginia will not allow them to attend school or participate in fall sport conditioning. The state of West Virginia does not recognize ethical or religious exemptions. Please send the immunization record and the two examinations to the school nurse when completed.